At USAIS, we believe that is important to give back to the community. We try to practice social wellness by taking care of others who may need a little extra help. Not only does this help Cambodia, but it also helps our students learn to be good citizens now and in the future.
Medals Award
On July 25-29,2018. U.S.A International School students departed to participate in the Asian Student Leadership Conference (ASLC) in Singapore . The six USA International School students competed with 11 different Asian Countries. We really appreciate their teamwork spirit, hard work and dedication in making the Graduation Ceremony MDIS in Singapore
Successful. We are so proud of them, that the were able to obtain Gold and Silver Medals Award.
A Clean City
We want Cambodia to be a clean place for everyone, and that is why we regularly participate in city clean-ups. We also teach our students to take care of the environment around them, reminding them to treat their city with respect.
Scholarships for the Poor
Education is not free; schools have rent and utilities to pay, and our staff need to make a living also. But at USAIS we understand that not everyone comes from an economic background that can pay for good quality education. This is why we regularly give scholarships to those in need. We look especially for students who have the scholastic ability to do well in our program and a hard work ethic.
Free English Teaching
Learning English is becoming more and more important for finding a good job domestically and abroad. However, not everyone can afford to learn English at a good institution. This is why we have students and staff volunteer their time to teach English to people who cannot afford classes normally.
Tree Planting
Cambodia is very green and beautiful, and we want it to stay that way. Unfortunately, Cambodia has experienced a lot of deforestation, but we want to help by planting trees. We regularly go out and help plant tree so Cambodia can stay beautiful.